The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) left the house of his wife Juwayriyah, Mother of the Believers, (may Allah be pleased with her) early in the morning after performing the Fajr prayer, while she was sitting in her place of prayer. He returned after the sun had passed its zenith, during the time of Duha, and she was still sitting in the same spot. He then said: Are you still in the state I left you in? She replied: Yes. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: I said four words after I had left you, and I repeated them three times. If they were to be weighed in terms of reward against all that you have been saying during the time you have been sitting here, they would outweigh them. (Glory be to Allah) and may He be Exalted above all imperfections (and all praise is due to Him). For to Him belongs the beautiful praise for having guided to that (by the number of His creation) whom none can count but Allah, (by His own pleasure) as much as pleases Him with those of His slaves with whom Allah is pleased—something that cannot be encompassed, (by the weight of His Throne), which is the greatest and heaviest of the whole creation, (and by the ink of His words) and the words of Allah are countless and endless. This encompasses and includes the three aspects, as the ink of His words, exalted is He, is limitless in its extent, description, and number. However, the intent here is to emphasize the great abundance. First, a countable measure is mentioned—the number of His creations. Then, it progresses to something even greater, expressed as "His own pleasure." Next is the weight of the greatest creation, the Throne. The first relates to number and quantity, the second to description and quality, and the third to greatness and weight.