- Encouraging the struggle against those who violate the Shariah with their words and deeds.
- The heart's failure to disapprove of evil indicates the weakness or loss of faith.
- Allah Almighty facilitates for the prophets those who convey their message after them.
- Whoever seeks salvation must follow the prophets' methodology because every way other than theirs leads to destruction and misguidance.
- As the time gap separating people from the time of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and that of his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) grows bigger, people become more liable to abandoning the Sunnah, following their whims, and introducing religious innovations.
- Clarifying the levels of Jihad and how it should be carried out with the hand for whoever is capable of change, like the guardians, rulers, and leaders; with the words through demonstrating and advocating the right; and with the heart through disapproving evil, refraining from loving it or being content with it.
- It is obligatory to enjoin good and forbid evil.
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