Lo! Soon a Hadīth from me will be conveyed to a man, while he is reclining on his couch, and he says: ‘Between us and you is Allah’s Book

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Benefits from the Hadith
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Al-Miqdām ibn Ma‘dikarib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Lo! Soon a Hadīth from me will be conveyed to a man, while he is reclining on his couch, and he says: ‘Between us and you is Allah’s Book. So, whatever we find in it that is lawful, we consider lawful, and whatever we find in it that is unlawful, we consider unlawful.’ Indeed, whatever the Messenger of Allah made unlawful, it is the same as what Allah made unlawful."
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Abu Daoud & At-Termedhy & Ibn Majah


The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) reports that there will soon come a time in which some type of people will be sitting, with one of them reclining on his couch, and when a Hadīth from the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) reaches him, he will say: What decides the matters between you and us is the noble Qur’an. It is sufficient for us. What we find therein as lawful, we act upon it, and what we find therein as unlawful, we avoid it. Then, the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) pointed out that anything he prohibited or forbade in his Sunnah is the same as what Allah prohibited in His Book, for he only conveys from his Lord.

Benefits from the Hadith

  1. The Sunnah should be highly valued and observed like the Qur’an.
  2. Obedience to the Messenger is obedience to Allah Almighty and disobeying him is disobedience to Allah.
  3. It establishes the authority of the Sunnah and responds to those who reject the Sunnah or deny it.
  4. Whoever turns away from the Sunnah and claims that he only adheres to the Qur’an does actually turn away from both of them, and his claim about following the Qur’an is false.
  5. This is one of the proofs of the Prophet's prophethood, as he informed about certain things that would happen in the future, and it did happen as he informed.


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