Verily you cannot embrace and suffice all people with your money, but you can embrace and suffice them all with a cheerful face and good manners

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Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Verily you cannot embrace and suffice all people with your money, but you can embrace and suffice them all with a cheerful face and good manners."
Hasan/Sound by virtue of corroborating evidence - Al-Haakim


This Hadīth is proof of the virtue of having a smiling, cheerful face when meeting others, as well as the virtue of having good manners and good social relations, and of being kind to people in word and deed to all people. This is indeed within the capacity of each human being. Good manners create mutual love and nurture amicability and friendliness among the members of a society.


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