Leave them, for these are the days of Eid. Those were the days of Mina

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‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that during the days of Mina, Abu Bakr came to her while there where two girls with her; they were beating drums, and the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was covering himself with his garment (while he was lying down). Abu Bakr rebuked the two girls, but the Prophet uncovered his face and said: "O Abu Bakr, leave them, for these are the days of Eid." Those were the days of Mina, ‘Ā’ishah added: "I was being screened by the Prophet while I was watching the Ethiopians playing in the Mosque." ‘Umar rebuked them, but the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Leave them, O Banu Arfida, play; it is safe."
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim


This Hadīth displays the ease and kindness of this religion. It shows how its methodology contradicts that of extremists, who believe the religion to be harsh and violent. This Hadīth proves the permissibility of beating the drum and singing on the days of Eid based on the actions of the two girls in the presence of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) besides his reprimand to the one who reprimanded the two girls. The same goes for playing with spears and the likes. Ethiopians naturally love playing and beating drums. So the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) allowed them to do what they wanted in the mosque, targeting to (clarify) a state policy. It is asserted in some of the Hadīth's wordings. This policy includes: 1. Announcing to non-Muslim groups who are afraid to embrace Islam because they assume that it is harsh and violent that Islam is a religion of kindness, peace, and pardon, especially amongst sects like the Jews, who are remote from it and prevent people from it. For this reason, some narrations of the Hadīth report that ‘Umar reprimanded the Ethiopians, but the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Leave them alone, so that the Jews will know that there is ease in our religion and that I was sent with the pure and kind religion." 2. They played on the day of Eid, which are days of happiness and pleasure and indulging oneself with permissible practices. 3. It is a manly game featuring enthusiasm and courage.


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