- It is recommended for women to attend the Eid prayer and to be given a separate sermon.
- Ingratitude to the husband and frequent cursing are major sins because the threat of Hellfire is a sign that such sins are major.
- It shows that faith can increase and decrease. One's faith and religion increase when he offers abundant acts of worship, and offering fewer acts of worship will lead to a decrease in one's religion.
- An-Nawawi said: The intellect is subject to increase and decrease, and so is faith. Mentioning the deficiency in women is not meant to blame them for it, as it is part of their natural disposition. Rather, it is intended as a warning against being infatuated with them. This is why the punishment is associated with the mentioned ingratitude and other sins, not with the deficiency. The deficiency in religion is not restricted to what results in sin; rather, it includes a broader scope.
- It implies that a learner or a subject may ask the scholar or leader to clarify his words if it is unclear to him.
- It shows that the testimony of a woman is half that of a man given her lack of accuracy.
- Ibn Hajar commented on his statement: "I have not seen anyone deficient..." It appears to me that this is one of the reasons why they form the majority of the inhabitants of Hellfire; because if they are a cause for a sensible man to lose his reason to the extent that he does or says what is inappropriate, then they share in the sin and even exceed him in it.
- Prayer and fasting are prohibited for a woman during her menstruation, and the same applies to one experiencing post-partum bleeding, and both must make up for the missed days of fasting upon attaining purity.
- The Prophet's good morals, as he answered the women's questions without rebuke or blame.
- Ibn Hajar said: Charity repels punishment and it may expiate sins committed between people.
- An-Nawawi said: The deficiency in women's religion is due to their abandonment of prayer and fasting during their menstruation. One's faith and religion increase when he offers abundant acts of worship, and offering fewer acts of worship will lead to a decrease in one's religion. Moreover, the deficiency in religion could occur in a way that incurs sin, such as abandoning prayer, fasting, or any other obligatory act of worship without a valid excuse; and it could occur in a way that incurs no sin, such as abandoning the Friday prayer, fighting in Allah's cause, or any other act that is not obligatory upon him without a valid excuse; or it could occur in a way that one is actually commanded to do, such as abandoning of a menstruating woman's prayer and fasting.
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