- It is prohibited to enter upon foreign women and stay in seclusion with them to block the means to immorality.
- This generally refers to foreign men, including the husband's brother and his relatives, who are not from the woman's Mahrams (unmarriageable male relatives); however, such prohibited entry is that which leads to seclusion.
- Avoiding suspicious situations for fear of falling into evil.
- An-Nawawi said: Experts in the Arabic language have agreed that "Ahmā’" refers to the relatives of the woman's husband, like his father, uncle, brother, nephew, cousin, etc. On the other hand, "Akhtān" refers to the relatives of the man's wife, whereas "As-hār" (in-laws) refers to both.
- He likened the (Hamw) to death; commenting on this, Ibn Hajar said: The Arabs usually describe what is detestable as death, and here the point of resemblance is that the "Hamw" (brother-in-law) means the death of religion if adultery is committed, and it means the death of the one who stayed in seclusion with the woman in case adultery is committed and stoning becomes obligatory, and it means the woman's destruction for being separated from her husband if he divorces her out of jealousy.
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