My Lord, support me and do not support others against me; grant me victory and do not grant others victory over me; plan for me and do not plan against me; guide me and make my guidance easy for me; grant me victory against whoever wronged ...

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Ibn ‘Abbās (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to supplicate: "My Lord, support me and do not support others against me; grant me victory and do not grant others victory over me; plan for me and do not plan against me; guide me and make my guidance easy for me; grant me victory against whoever wronged me. O Allah, make me grateful to You, remembering You, fearful of You, obedient to You, and humble to You or returning to You in repentance. O Lord, accept my repentance, wash away my sins, answer my supplication, establish my proof (words), guide my heart, make my tongue speak the truth, and take resentment (hatred) away from my heart."
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Ibn Majah - Narrated by At-Termedhy - Narrated by Abu Daoud - Narrated by Ahmad


The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to supplicate Allah saying: "My Lord, support me", i.e. guide me to remember You, thank You, and perfect my worship of You. "And do not support someone against me", i.e. do not empower someone who will prevent me from Your obedience, from the devils -mankind or the Jinn- over me. "Grant me victory and do not grant others victory over me", i.e. grant me victory over the disbelievers, and do not grant them victory over me; or grant me victory over my inner self, as it is my worst enemy, and do not grant victory to my inner self that incites evilness against me, such that I follow my desires and turn away from the guidance. "Plan for me and do not plan against me", i.e. plot against my enemies who are plotting, and bring them down from where they do not imagine, and do not do that to me. Plotting is from the attributes that describe Allah's actions, however He is not described with it in an absolute sense, rather, He is described with it as a form of praise, for example when He plots against the disbelievers and those who plot against the believers and so on. It is not correct to negate the attribute of plotting from Allah, the Exalted, because He affirmed it for Himself. Therefore, we affirm it for Him in a manner that befits His majesty. "And guide me and make my guidance easy for me", i.e. lead me to all goodness and facilitate for me following guidance or the ways that lead to it, so that obedience is not hard for me and I do not become distracted from worship. "And grant me victory against whoever wronged me", i.e. support me against the one who oppresses me and transgresses against me. "O Allah, make me grateful to You", i.e. for Your blessings; "remembering You", in all times; "fearful of You", i.e. afraid in good times and hard times; "obedient to You", i.e. persistent obedience; "and humble to You", i.e. submissive and modest; "returning to You in repentance", i.e. as repentance is returning to obedience after disobedience. "O Lord, accept my repentance", i.e. make it sound with its conditions and manners so that it will be accepted. "Wash away my sins", i.e. erase my sins. "Answer my supplication", i.e. my invocations. "Establish my proof", i.e. against your enemies in this world, or make my words and my belief firm in this world and while answering the two angels (in the grave). "Guide my heart, make my tongue speak the truth", i.e. correct and straighten up my tongue so that it only utters the truth. "And take resentment away from my heart", i.e. take out of my heart the cheating, resentment, jealousy, envy and those kinds of evil morals that emanate from the heart and inhabit it.


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