- It is a Shariah directive to say this supplication after repeating the words of the Adhān after the muezzin, but whoever does not hear the call does not say it.
- The merit of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) as he was granted the highest position in Paradise, the degree of superiority, the praiseworthy station, and the Grand Intercession in judging between people.
- Establishing the intercession for the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him), as indicated by his saying: "He will be granted my intercession on the Day of Judgment."
- The Prophet's intercession will be for those who committed major sins from his Ummah so as not to enter Hellfire, or for those who have already entered it to be taken out, or to be admitted to Paradise without reckoning, or for those who entered Paradise to have their degrees raised.
- At-Tībi said: From its beginning until saying "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" is the perfect call. The "Hy‘alah" (saying: Hasten to prayer, hasten to success) refers to the established prayer as in His statement: {establish prayer}. It is probable that "prayer" means supplication and "established" means constant, and based on this, his saying "the prayer that is to be established" is a clarification of the perfect call. It is possible that the intended meaning of the "prayer" referred to here is the specific, established prayer being called to at that time, which is more likely to be correct.
- Al-Muhallab said: The Hadīth encourages supplication at the times of prayer because it is a situation when supplications are hoped to be answered.
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