- The merit of the seven mentioned categories and encouraging to follow their example.
- Ibn Hajar said about his statement "in His Shade": It is said that it means: the shade of His Throne as indicated by the Hadīth of Salmān that was narrated by Sa‘īd ibn Mansūr with a good Isnād: "There are seven whom Allah will shade in the shade of His Throne".
- Ibn Hajar said: The best explanation of the just person is that he is the one who follows the command of Allah by placing everything in its proper place, without excess or negligence. He is mentioned first due to the general benefit that comes from him.
- The merit of waiting for prayer after prayer.
- An-Nawawi said: It encourages loving one another for the sake of Allah and highlights its great merit.
- Status and beauty are specifically mentioned due to people's strong desire for them, their eagerness to attain them, and their difficulty in obtaining them.
- The best way to give charity is to do it secretly, as it is further from showing off. However, it is also permissible to give charity and Zakah publicly if it is free from ostentation, with the intention of encouraging others to spend, setting an example for others, and manifesting the rituals of Islam.
- These seven persons attained that bliss only by their sincerity to Allah Almighty and by opposing their whims.
- His statement: "There are seven whom Allah will shade": the limitation to this number is not intended. In fact, there are other categories not mentioned in the Hadīth whom Allah will shade in the shade of His Throne.
- Ibn Hajar said: The mention of men in this Hadīth does not imply exclusivity; rather, women share the same reward as men in the deeds mentioned, unless the reference to the just Imam means supreme leadership; otherwise, a woman may also be included when she has children and treats them justly. As for the trait of adherence to the mosque, it is not applicable to women in the same way, because a woman's prayer at her home is better than in the mosque. Beyond that, women can share in the virtues, even in the case of the man who was invited by the woman. It is conceivable that a woman could be invited by a handsome king, for example, and she refrains out of fear of Allah Almighty despite her needs.
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