Beware of the invocations of the oppressed person, for, indeed, they rise to heaven as if they were sparks of fire

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Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Beware of the invocations of the oppressed person, for, indeed, they rise to heaven as if they were sparks of fire."
Authentic hadith - Al-Haakim


Avoid oppression, and fear the supplication of the oppressed one, for it ascends to Allah in the heavens as if it is a spark of fire. It was compared to a spark in the swiftness of its rise in the sky, or because it comes out of a heart that is burning with the fire of injustice and suffering, and it is like the spark in the way it penetrates the heavenly barriers.


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