The lasting good deeds are the statements: There is no god but Allah, glory be to Allah, Allah is the greatest, praise be to Allah, there is no power or might except with Allah

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Abu Sa‘īd al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The lasting good deeds are the statements: There is no god but Allah, glory be to Allah, Allah is the greatest, praise be to Allah, there is no power or might except with Allah."
Authentic for being narrated by another companion - Narrated by Ibn Hebban - Al-Haakim - An-Nasaa’i


This Hadīth proves of the virtue of remembering Allah with these words of Dhikr because they contain exalting and glorifying Allah, the Almighty, as well and praising Him for His actions. Verily, there is nothing man can do except by the will of Allah. No one has power to avert harm or bring about goodness except by the help of Allah, the Almighty. The reward and benefit of these words with the great meanings that they carry do remain for the believer after his/her death.


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