I came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) when he was in a red leather tent. Bilāl stepped out with ablution water (that was left over from the Prophet's ablution. There were some people who managed to get some of...

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Abu Juhayfah Wahb ibn ‘Abdullāh As-Suwā'i (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) when he was in a red leather tent. Bilāl stepped out with ablution water (that was left over from the Prophet's ablution). There were people who managed to get some of it (seeking its blessing), whereas others just received a sprinkle of it. Then the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) came out wearing a red garment. It is as if I am looking right now at the whiteness of his legs. He performed ablution and Bilāl called the Adhān (the call to prayer). I kept watching the movement of his mouth (as he turned) to this side and that side and he said to the right and to the left: "Come to prayer, come to success!" Then a spear was fixed for him (in the ground). He stepped forward and performed two Rak‘ahs for the Zhuhr prayer, and he did not stop performing two Rak‘ahs until he returned to Madīnah.
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim


The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was in Al-Abtah in upper Makkah. Bilāl came out with the water that was left over from the ablution of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and people were seeking blessing from that water. Then Bilāl called the Adhān. Abu Juhayfah said that he kept watching Bilāl's mouth as he was turning to the right and left saying: “Come to prayer, come to success”, so the people could hear him, as these two sentences are intended to encourage them to come to the prayer. Then a short spear was fixed in the ground for the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) to act as a Sutrah for him during his prayer. He performed two Rak‘ahs for the Zhuhr prayer and he continued to shorten the four-Rak‘ah prayers until he returned to Madīnah, because he was a traveler.


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