- The Hadīth demonstrates the right of Allah Almighty which He ordained upon His servants: that they should worship Him and associate no partners with Him.
- It demonstrates the right of the servants upon Allah Almighty which He ordained upon Himself, out of His grace and bounty: that He should admit them into Paradise and not punish them.
- This Hadīth offers great news for those who believe in Allah's Oneness and associate nothing with Him that their destination will be Paradise.
- Mu‘ādh related this Hadīth before his death, fearing he might fall into sin for concealing knowledge.
- It indicates that some Hadīths should not be related among some people for fear of those of them who cannot understand their meanings, provided that the Hadīths do not pertain to certain Shar‘i acts or legal punishments.
- Muslim sinners are subject to Allah's will: if He wills, He may punish them; and if He wills, He may forgive them. Then, they will end up in Paradise.
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