?yamb sã n bẽ maa a toga sore; b gʋlsdame n kõ-a a sẽn da tʋmdã t'a ra tar laafɩ n be yirã

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Yii a Abuu Muusɑ Al-as'ɑri nengẽ -Wẽnd yard be a yĩnga- a yeelame: Wẽnd Tẽn-tʋʋma -Wẽnd pʋʋsg la A tɩlgr be a yĩnga- yeelame: «yamb sã n bẽ maa a toga sore; b gʋlsdame n kõ-a a sẽn da tʋmdã t'a ra tar laafɩ n be yirã».
Sahih/Authentic. - Al-Bukhari


Nɑbiyɑɑmã-Wẽnd pʋʋsg lɑ A tɩlgr be ɑ yĩngɑ- kõtɑ kibɑre sẽn kẽed Wẽnd yɩɩdlmã lɑ A yolsgã, tɩ lɩslɑɑm sã n minim n tʋmd tʋʋm sõngo ɑ lɑɑfɩ wã wɑkɑt maɑ ɑ sẽn be yir wɑkɑto, tɩ pɑdeng wɑ pɑɑm-ɑ, t'ɑ bẽ n pɑ tõe n le mɑɑn-ɑ ye, mɑa ɑ mɑɑnɑ soagl ne so-toakɑ n bɑs-ɑ, mɑɑ sẽn yɑɑ pɑdeng ning fãɑ; rẽnd b gʋlsdɑ ɑ keoorã poεεm n kõ-ɑ, tɩ yɑɑ wɑlɑ ɑ tʋm-ɑ-lɑ ɑ sẽn wɑ n tɑr lɑɑfɩ wã n be yirã.

Benefits from the Hadith

  1. A Wilgdɑ Wẽnd yɩɩdlmã yɑlmɑ A yembsã zugu.
  2. A kengdɑ ne b nidg pãngɑ tũud-rãmbã pʋgɑ, lɑ b zɑεεg wɑkat-rãmbã lɑɑfɩ wã wɑkɑto, lɑ sẽkã wɑkɑto.


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