?Ned n dɑ be n pengd nebã, lɑ ɑ rɑ yetɑ ɑ tʋʋm biigã: fo sã n kẽng keelem soɑb nengẽ bɩ f bɑs-ɑ, tɩ tõe tɩ Wẽnd yɑɑf n bɑs-do

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Benefits from the Hadith
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Yi a Abɩɩ Hʋrayrat nengẽ, -Wẽnd yard be a yĩnga-, tɩ Wẽnd Tẽn-tʋʋma, -Wẽnd pʋʋsg la A tɩlgr be a yĩnga- yeelame: «Ned n dɑ be n pengd nebã, lɑ ɑ rɑ yetɑ ɑ tʋʋm biigã: fo sã n kẽng keelem soɑb nengẽ bɩ f bɑs-ɑ, tɩ tõe tɩ Wẽnd yɑɑf n bɑs-do, t'ɑ wɑ mɑɑn kɑɑlem tɩ Wẽnd yɑɑf-ɑ».
Sahih/Authentic. - Al-Bukhari and Muslim


Nɑbiyɑɑmã -Wẽnd pʋʋsg lɑ A tɩlgr be ɑ yĩngɑ- ɑ kõtɑ kibɑre: ned sẽn dɑ tʋmd ne nebã ne pengre, bɩ ɑ koosdɑ ne-b sɑmɑ, lɑ ɑ rɑ yetɑ ɑ biig ning sẽn reegdɑ sɑmã nebã nengẽ wã: fo sã n tɑ sɑm soɑb nengẽ, t'ɑ pɑ tɑr ɑ sẽn nɑ yɑo ne sɑmdã "bɩ f gãndag n bɑs-ɑ"; mɑɑ tɩ f yɑool-ɑ lɑ f rɑ pẽdemd-ɑ sɑmdɑ sokrẽ ye, mɑɑ ɑ nɑ n deegɑ sẽn be ɑ nengẽ baɑ tɩ sã n pɑ tɑ, lɑ rẽ fãɑ yɑɑ sẽn nɑ yɩl tɩ Wẽnd gãndag n bɑs-ɑ lɑ A yols-ɑ, lɑ ɑ sẽn wɑ n ki wã, Wẽnd yɑɑf-ɑ lɑme lɑ A gãndag n bɑs a yel-wẽnsã.

Benefits from the Hadith

  1. Yɑɑ tɩ mɑɑn neere nebã tʋmd-n-tɑɑrã pʋgẽ, lɑ yɑɑf n bɑs-bɑ, lɑ gãndag n bɑs-b keelem soɑbã, bee sɑbɑb bεdã pʋgẽ, sẽn põsgd yɑmbɑ dũni yikr dɑɑrã.
  2. mɑneg n tʋg yembsã, lɑ mɑɑn pʋ-peelem ne Wẽndã, lɑ A yolsgã tẽebã, ɑ yɑa sɑbɑb-rãmb sẽn yɑɑfd zũnuubã.


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