?Ned ning sẽn loe Ramadaanã, ne liimaoongo (sɩd kũuni) la yel-sõmd tẽebo, b yaafd-a lame, a zunuubã sẽn reng taoorã

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Benefits from the Hadith
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Yii a Abʋʋ Hʋrayrat nengẽ -Wẽnd yard be a yĩnga- a yeelame: Wẽnd Tẽn-tʋʋma -Wẽnd pʋʋsg la A tɩlgr be a yĩng- yeelame: «Ned ning sẽn loe Ramadaanã, ne liimaoongo (sɩd kũuni) la yel-sõmd tẽebo, b yaafd-a lame, a zunuubã sẽn reng taoorã».
Sahih/Authentic. - Al-Bukhari and Muslim


Nɑbiyɑɑmã kõtɑ kibɑre -Wẽnd pʋʋsg lɑ A tɩlgr be ɑ yĩngɑ- tɩ ned ning sẽn loe Rɑmɑdɑɑnã kiuug tɩ yɑɑ sɩd kũun ne Wẽnde, lɑ Rɑmɑdɑɑnã yɑɑ tɩlɑe wã (fɑrilã) sɩdgre, lɑ Wẽnd sẽn sεglg no-loetbã yĩngã, sẽn yɑɑ yel-sõmb bεdɑ lɑ keoorã, t'ɑ no-loeerã yɑɑ Wẽnd yĩngɑ, kɑ mɑɑn tɩ b yã, kɑ mɑɑn tɩ b wʋme, b yɑɑfdɑ ɑ zunuub-rãmbã sẽn loogã.

Benefits from the Hadith

  1. Wilgdɑ pʋ-peelmã yɩɩdlem lɑ ɑ yellã sẽn tɑ to-to Rɑmɑdɑɑnã no-loeerã pʋgẽ, lɑ sẽn kɑ rẽ sẽn yɑɑ tʋʋm sõmbsã pʋgẽ.


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