? Tɑɑs-y mɑm yĩngɑ, bɑɑ tɩ sã n yɑɑ Aɑyɑr ɑ yembre, lɑ y yẽs ɭsrɑɑɩɩl koɑmbã kibɑyã, tɩ tɑɑl kɑ be ye, lɑ ned ning sẽn yɑgɑ n rogl mɑɑm pʋ-toogo bɩ ɑ bɑo ɑ zĩndg zĩig Bugmẽ wã

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Benefits from the Hadith
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Yii ɑ Abdʋllɑɑh ɭbn Amr nengẽ- Wẽnd yɑrd be b yiibɑ yĩngɑ, ɑ yeelɑme: Nabiyaamã -Wẽnd pʋʋsg la A tɩlgr be a yinga- yeelame: « Tɑɑs-y mɑm yĩngɑ, bɑɑ tɩ sã n yɑɑ Aɑyɑr ɑ yembre, lɑ y yẽs ɭsrɑɑɩɩl koɑmbã kibɑyã, tɩ tɑɑl kɑ be ye, lɑ ned ning sẽn yɑgɑ n rogl mɑɑm pʋ-toogo bɩ ɑ bɑo ɑ zĩndg zĩig Bugmẽ wã».
Sahih/Authentic. - Al-Bukhari


Nɑbiyɑɑmã- Wẽnd pʋʋsg lɑ A tɩlgr be ɑ yĩngɑ- ɑ sɑgendɑme tɩ b tɑɑs bãngrã sẽn yi Alkʋrãɑnẽ wã mɑɑ sunnɑh, bɑɑ tɩ bũmbã yɑɑ bilfu, sẽn yi Alkʋrãɑnẽ wã mɑɑ Hɑdiisẽ, lɑ yɑɑ sɑrt t'ɑ bãng bũmb ning ɑ sẽn boond n tʋgdẽ wã. Rẽ poorẽ t'ɑ vẽnegdẽ-Wẽnd pʋʋsg lɑ A tɩlgr be ɑ yĩngɑ- tɩ yel kɑe tɩ b yẽs sẽn yi Bɑnii ɭsrɑɑɩɩl-rãmb nengẽ ye, yεl nins sẽn yɩ b nengẽ tɩ pɑ yõsgd ne tõnd sãrɩ wã. Rẽ poorẽ t'ɑ bugs tɩ b rɑ yɑg n roglg ɑ zug ye, lɑ ned ning sẽn yɑgɑ pʋ-toogo bɩ ɑ bɑo ɑ zĩndg zĩig Bugmẽ wã.

Benefits from the Hadith

  1. Yɑmleoog kẽesgo Wẽnd sãri wã tɑɑsg pʋgẽ, lɑ sõmbɑ ne ninsɑɑlɑ t'ɑ togs bũmb ning ɑ sẽn rulsã lɑ a fɑhmã baɑ tɩ sã n yɑɑ bilfu.
  2. Yɑɑ tɩlɑe tɩ b bɑo sãri wã bãngrã; sẽn nɑ yɩlẽ pɑɑm n tũ Wẽnde lɑ ɑ tɑɑs A sãri wã ne nen-sõngo.
  3. Yɑɑ tɩlɑe tɩ b mɑɑn bãng n wãɑkɑ ne Hɑdiis fãɑ sõmblem tɑoor tɩ b tɑɑs-ɑ maɑ b sẽeg-ɑ, sẽn nɑ yɩl n gũus n dɑ kẽ pʋleng wẽng-kãngã sẽn yɑɑ kεgengã pʋgẽ ye.
  4. A kengdɑ togs sɩd goɑm pʋgẽ, lɑ b mɑɑn gũusgu yẽsgã pʋgẽ, sẽn tʋg n yɩɩdɑ, Wẽnd sãri wã pʋgẽ A nɑɑm yɩ wɑgell n zẽke.


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