Pellet ina jeya e maale darngo nde ganndal ɓamtate, majjere heewa, jina heewa, yarde sanngara(doro)heewa,worɓe pamɗa, rewɓe keewa haa woodana rewɓe capanɗe njoyo gorko gooto. darantooɗo ɓe

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Sarhu on
Hollu firaaɗe ɗen
Ina jeyaa he nafooje Hadiis
Ko ɓuri
Ittaama e Anas yo Alla wele mbo,('yo Alla yaedo he makko) o wii: Ma mi yeewtan on yeewtere nde nan mi e Nelaaɗo Alla yo jam e kisal won e mum hombo maaka:(wala jewtowone ko hana min) " Pellet ina jeya e maale darngo nde ganndal ɓamtate, majjere heewa, jina heewa, yarde sanngara(doro)heewa,worɓe pamɗa, rewɓe keewa haa woodana rewɓe capanɗe njoyo gorko gooto. darantooɗo ɓe".
Sahih/Authentic. - Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Sarhu on

Annabi yo jam e kisal won e mum ina ɓanngina wonde ina jeya e maale darngo nde ganndal anndude sariya ɓamtatirte maayde annduɓe. ɗuum yeñcina heewde e saraade majjere, e saraade jina e paŋkare, e heewde yarde sanngara, e famɗude worɓe e heewde limoore rewɓe; haa waɗtina gorko gooto ummoto e geɗe e maslahaaji capanɗe joy debba.

Ina jeyaa he nafooje Hadiis

  1. Hollirde (wanginde)yogo e maandeeji(alaamaaji) darngo.
  2. Ganndal nde darngo darato ko ganndal ngal Alla heerori.
  3. Hirjinde e anndinaade ganndal sariya ko adii de ngal waasete.


Nuldaama e jam!