I will lead you in prayer; although I do not intend to pray, it is just to show you how I witnessed the Messenger of Allah pray

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Abu Qilābah reported that ‘Abdullāh ibn Zayd al-Jarmi al-Basri reported: Mālik ibn Huwayrith came to this mosque of ours and said: "I will lead you in prayer; although I do not intend to pray, it is just to show you how I witnessed the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) pray." I asked Abu Qilābah: "How did he pray?" He replied: "Just as this Sheikh of ours prays", and he would sit after lifting his head from prostration and before standing up. Their Sheikh was Abu Burayd ‘Amr ibn Salāmah al-Jarmi.
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Bukhari


Abu Qilābah said that Mālik ibn al-Huwayrith, who was one of the Companions, approached them in their mosque saying that he had come to them to lead them in prayer, with the intention of teaching them practically how the Messenger (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) prayed. He did that because seeing a practical demonstration of something is easy to understand and lasts a long time in people’s memories. The narrator asked Abu Qilābah how Mālik ibn al-Huwayrith prayed. He replied telling him that it was the same way as their sheikh, Abu Zayd ‘Amr ibn Salāmah al-Jarmi, prayed. The sheikh would sit briefly when he raised his head from prostration and before standing up.


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