The worst lie is when a man claims to have seen something which he has not seen

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Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The worst lie is when a man claims to have seen something which he has not seen.”
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Bukhari


The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) explained that one of the worst types of lies is for a person to claim to have seen something, while awake or in his dreams, and he has not actually seen it. Lying about seeing something in a dream is worse than lying about seeing something in wakefulness, because what a person sees while being asleep is from Allah, the Almighty, via the angel if it is a vision. Therefore, lying in this case is considered lying about Allah. As for dreams, they are from the devil, and self-talk comes from the self. So, what the sleeping person sees is one of these three types.


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