Whoever exalts himself over others and walks with a swaggering gait (with pride), will meet Allah while He is angry with him

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‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever exalts himself over others and walks with a swaggering gait (with pride), will meet Allah while He is angry with him."
Authentic hadith - Al-Haakim - Narrated by Ahmad


The Hadīth indicates the blameworthiness of haughtiness and arrogance. Such haughtiness and arrogance appears in one's gait as he swaggers, in one's clothes, speech and in all his affairs. Whoever is in such a state of haughtiness, assumes himself to be great, and deserves to be exalted over others. This one will meet Allah on the Day of Judgment while He is angry with him.


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