- Remembering Allah Almighty constantly, outwardly and inwardly, is among the greatest means of drawing close to Allah and among the most beneficial acts in the sight of Allah Almighty.
- All deeds have only been prescribed to establish the remembrance of Allah Almighty, as Allah Almighty says: {And establish prayer to remember Me.} The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Indeed, Tawāf (circumambulation) around the House and between Safa and Marwah and stoning the Jamrahs (stoning pillars) have been prescribed for establishing the remembrance of Allah Almighty." [Narrated by Abu Dāwūd and At-Tirmidhi]
- Al-‘Izz ibn ‘Abdus-Salām said in his Qawā‘id: This Hadīth is part of the evidence that the reward of all acts of worship is not contingent on the amount of fatigue involved; rather, Allah Almighty may grant for a few deeds a reward greater than what He grants for abundant deeds. So, the reward depends on the variation in the degrees of honor.
- Al-Munāwi said in Fayd Al-Qadīr: This Hadīth is taken to refer to the fact that Dhikr was better for those whom it addressed. However, if a courageous and brave person who could benefit Islam through fighting was addressed therewith, then he would be told that it is Jihad. Moreover, if it addressed a rich person who could benefit the poor with his wealth, he would be told that it is voluntary charity. Similarly, one capable of making Hajj would be told that it is Hajj, and one who has parents would be told that it is dutifulness to one's parents. This way the reports could be attuned.
- The most perfect Dhikr is that which is uttered by the tongue and perceived by the heart, followed by what is perceived by the heart alone, like reflection, then what is uttered by the tongue alone, and each entails reward, Allah willing.
- When a Muslim observes the Adhkār (regular supplications) that are linked to certain conditions, like the morning and evening supplications, entering the mosque, entering and exiting the bathroom, etc., this makes him among those who remember Allah frequently.
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