- The great reward for the one who looks after his daughters by providing for them and raising them until they get married or reach puberty, and the same applies to his sisters.
- The reward for looking after daughters is greater than that of looking after sons, as nothing similar to this was mentioned about them. This is because providing for daughters and taking care of their affairs is greater than taking care of the sons' affairs since they are ‘Awrah (should be covered) and cannot manage their affairs or act like boys. Moreover, a father does not aspire to seek strength in his daughters against enemies, as is the case with his sons, or to depend on them to keep his name alive and the continuity of his progeny. Hence, one who provides for his daughters needs to be patient, sincere, and have a good intention, and this is why the reward is great, as he will be a companion of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) on the Day of Judgment.
- Signs of puberty for a woman: reaching the age of fifteen, menstruating even before the age of fifteen, having pubic hair, which is the coarse hair that grows around the genitals, or having a nocturnal emission, which is the discharge of semen during sleep.
- Al-Qurtubi said: By reaching puberty, he means reaching a state of independence, and in the case of women, they reach this state only when their husbands consummate the marriage with them. So, he is not referring here to their reaching puberty by menstruating and becoming religiously accountable, since a girl can get married before this and becomes in no need of a caretaker other than the husband, or she may menstruate without being independent in any of her interests, and if she is left alone, she might be lost and her affairs might be ruined. Rather, in this case she is even more entitled to support and protection and needs her caretaker to provide her with full protection until she gets married. Based on this meaning, our scholars stated that a girl's father is not exempted from providing for her when she reaches puberty but only when her husband consummates the marriage with her.
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