- An-Nawawi said: It contains encouragement to hasten the break of fast after verifying the sunset. Its meaning is that the affairs of the Ummah will remain orderly, and they will be in a good state as long as they uphold this Sunnah. If they delay it, this will be a sign of corruption that they may fall into.
- The goodness among people persists due to their adherence to the Sunnah, while the corruption of affairs is related to the deviation from the Sunnah.
- Opposing the People of the Book and the heretic innovators who delay the break of the fast.
- Ibn Hajar said: This clarifies the legal cause in this regard. Al-Muhallab said: The rationale behind this is to ensure that the day will not be extended at the expense of the night, and because it is more convenient for the fasting person and provides him with greater strength for worship. Scholars have agreed that this applies when the sunset is confirmed by sighting or by the testimony of two just witnesses, and also by the testimony of one just witness, according to the more preferred opinion.
- Ibn Hajar said: Note: Among the evil innovations that have emerged in this time is the second Adhān (call to prayer) that is made about one-third of an hour before dawn during Ramadan, and extinguishing the lights that serve as a signal for prohibiting eating and drinking for those who intend to fast. Those who introduced this claimed it was for caution in worship, but only a few people know about it. This has led them to the point where they do not call to prayer until after sunset, supposedly to extend the time. Consequently, they delayed breaking the fast and hastened the Suhūr (pre-dawn meal), thus contradicting the Sunnah. As a result, goodness has diminished among them, and evil has increased, and Allah is the One to be sought for help.
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