For you, Yazīd, is (the reward for) what you intended, and for you, Ma‘in, is what you took

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Ma‘in ibn Yazīd ibn al-Akhnas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: My father, Yazīd, took out some dinars for charity and kept them with a man in the mosque. I went and took them and brought them to him, and he said: "By Allah! It was not you whom I intended (to give these dinars to)." So I took the case to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) who said: "For you, Yazīd, is (the reward for) what you intended, and for you, Ma‘in, is what you took."
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Bukhari


Yazīd ibn al-Akhnas left some dirhams with a man in the mosque to give them in charity to the poor. His son Ma‘in came and took them, so Yazīd said to him: "I did not intend to spend these dirhams in charity on you." So they went to seek judgment from the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) who said to them: "For you, Yazīd, is the reward of what you intended, because your charity reached a poor Muslim. So the reward is due to you for your intention. And for you, Ma‘in, is what you took, because you took it rightfully." His son was, indeed, from among those who deserved charity.


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