He who drinks in a vessel (made) of gold or silver has, in fact, swallowed in his stomach fire from Hell

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Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "He who drinks - another narration reads: He who eats or drinks - in a vessel (made) of gold or silver has, in fact, swallowed in his stomach fire from Hell."
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim


This Hadīth contains a severe warning for whoever uses vessels made of, coated with, or adorned with gold or silver. The horrible sound of the punishment of Hellfire would be heard in the bellies of those who do so. This is because this act involves imitating the disbelievers, arrogance, and breaking the hearts of the poor, while, indeed, Islam aims at safeguarding Muslims from extravagance and degeneration. This is also because both gold and sliver were, until recently, used as currencies; thus using them as vessels or antiques, etc. paralyzes the commercial system and unnecessarily impedes the fulfillment of required and essential needs. The prohibition in the Hadīth is not restricted to using these as vessels for food or drink; it rather extends to cover any other usage, unless permitted by Shariah like jewelry for women.


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