‘Adiyy ibn Hātim (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I said: "O Messenger of Allah, I send my trained dogs, mention Allah's name, and they catch the game for me." So he said: "When you let loose your trained dog (after a game) and you mention the name of Allah, then eat what it catches for you." Then I said: "Even if they (the dogs) kill it (the game)?" He said: "Even if they kill it, so long as no other dog, which is not one of them, participates with them." I said: "What if I throw a blunt edged spear at the game and I hit it?" He said: "If you strike it and it pierces it, then eat from it; but if it strikes the game with the blunt end, then do not eat it."
The Hadīth narrated by Ash-Sha‘bi from ‘Adiyy is similar but it mentions: "...except if the dog eats from it, then do not eat it, for I am worried that the dog caught it for itself. If other dogs mix with yours, then do not eat from it; because you only mentioned Allah's name when sending your dog, not the other dogs."
It also mentions: "If you send your trained dog, then mention Allah's name. If he catches it (the game) alive, then slaughter it, but if it is killed and the dog does not eat from it, then eat from it; because when the dog catches it, it is similar to slaughtering."
It also mentions: "Mention the name of Allah when you shoot your arrow."
It also mentions: "If the game disappeared a day or two (two or three in another narration), and you found the trace of your arrow only, then eat from it as you like. But if you found it drowned in water, do not eat from it; because you do not know if it died from the water or your arrow.”
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim