- The types mentioned in this Hadīth are five: gold, silver, wheat, barley, and dates. If the sale involves items of the same type, then two conditions must be fulfilled to make it valid: the exchange should be made during the contract session, and they should be of the same weight, like gold for gold, or else it is Riba al-Fadl (usury of surplus). On the other hand, if the sale involves items of different types, like silver for wheat, then one condition must be fulfilled to make the contract valid, namely receiving the price during the contract session; otherwise, it is Riba an-Nasī’ah (usury of deferred payment).
- The contract session refers to the place where the sale is conducted, whether the two parties are sitting, walking, or riding, and departing refers to what is customarily known among people as a way of ending a meeting.
- The prohibition in this Hadīth includes all the types of gold, coined or not, and all the types of silver, coined or not.
- What is required when selling gold for silver should be applied to the coins of this current time, i.e., if one wants to exchange one coin for another, like exchanging one riyal for one dirham, the surplus is permissible if both parties agree; however, the exchange should be made during the sale transaction or the transaction will be invalid and it will be deemed as a prohibited Riba-based transaction.
- Riba-based transactions are impermissible, and the contract is invalid even if the two parties agree because Islam protects man's rights and the rights of society even if he waives them.
- Forbidding and preventing evil for whoever has the ability to do so.
- Mentioning the evidence when forbidding evil as what ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb (may Allah be pleased with him) did.
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