The Sirāt will be placed over the center of Hell, covered with thorns similar to the thorns of the Sa‘dān. Then, people will pass over it; some will be safe without any harm, some will be safe after receiving some scratches, and some wi...

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Abu Sa‘īd al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The Sirāt will be placed over the center of Hell, covered with thorns similar to the thorns of the Sa‘dān. Then, people will pass over it; some will be safe without any harm, some will be safe after receiving some scratches, and some will fall down into Hell. When Allah, Glorified and Exalted, has finished judging between the slaves, the believers will look for men who were with them on earth praying as they prayed, paying Zakah as they paid it, fasting as they fasted, performing pilgrimage as they performed it, and fighting (in the cause of Allah) as they fought. The believers will then ask: 'O our Lord, there were slaves from among Your slaves who were with us on earth and used to pray as we prayed, pay Zakah as we paid it, fast as we fasted, perform pilgrimage as we performed it, and fight (in Your cause) as we fought, yet we do not see them.' Allah will say: 'Depart to Hell and whomever of these you find therein take him out.' So they will find them, engulfed by the fire according to their deeds. Some of them will be engulfed by the fire to their feet, some to the middle of their legs, some to their knees, some to their breasts, some to their waist and some to their necks, but not their faces. They will be removed from the fire and cast into the water of life." It was said: "O Messenger of Allah, what is (the water of) life?" He replied: "The washing of the dwellers of Paradise; and they will sprout as a plant sprouts. (In another narration, he said: And they will sprout in it as the plant sprouts in the silt left by a flood.) Then, the prophets will intercede on behalf of anyone who faithfully witnessed that there is no god but Allah and they will be taken out of Hell. Then, Allah will show compassion by His mercy to those in it (Hell) so that there will not be left in it a slave who has an atom’s weight of faith in his heart."
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Ibn Majah - Narrated by Ahmad


On the Day of Judgment, Allah, the Almighty, will place the Sirāt over the center of Hell, with solid thorns covering it. Then, the people will be commanded to pass over it. Some of them will pass safely without being touched by the fire; others will be scratched then will be saved; others will fall into the Hellfire. When Allah, the Almighty, finishes judging between His slaves, and the dwellers of Paradise enter it and those of Hell enter it, the believers in Paradise will notice that they do not see some people who were with them on earth and who used to pray, give Zakah, fast, perform pilgrimage, and fight in the cause of Allah along with them. So, they will say to Allah, the Almighty,: We do not see those people with us in Paradise although they used to pray, give Zakah, fast, perform pilgrimage, and fight in the cause of Allah with us on earth. Allah will say to them: Go to Hellfire, and if you find any of them therein, take him out of it. They will find them engulfed by fire each according to his deeds. Some of them will be engulfed by fire up to their feet, others up to the middle of their legs, others to their knees, others to their waists, others to their breasts, and others to their necks; but the fire does not reach their faces. They will intercede on their behalf, so they will be taken out of the fire and thrown into the water of life, which brings to life anyone who is immersed in it. Hence, their bodies will grow again just as plants grow in a flood channel. Then, the prophets will be granted intercession on behalf of every person who sincerely bore witness that none is worthy of worship but Allah, and thus taking them out of the fire. Allah will then compassionately bestow His mercy on those in the fire, leaving no one therein in whose heart there exists an atom’s weight of faith.


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