"None, or nothing, is more patient", i.e. Allah, the Almighty, is the most patient and one of His beautiful names is "As-Sabūr", which means the one who does not hasten to punish the disobedient. It is close to the meaning of "Al-Halīm", i.e. the Forbearing, but "Al-Halīm" is more indicative of granting safety from punishment.
"About the offensive statements he hears", i.e. the word offense or "adha" in Arabic language is something that is slightly harmful and has a weak negative effect. Allah informs us that the slaves cannot harm Him as He mentioned in the Qur'an: {And do not be grieved [O Muhammad] by those who hasten into disbelief. Indeed, they will never harm Allah at all}. Allah also says in a Qudsi Hadīth: "O my slaves, you will never have the ability to harm Me so that you would harm Me, nor will you have the ability to benefit Me, so that you would benefit Me." Allah clarified that the creation can never harm Him, but may act in an offensive manner towards Him.
"Verily, they ascribe a son to Him", i.e. the son of Adam abuses Allah and insults Him by ascribing to Him something that He is far exalted above, such as ascribing children to Him, and associating rivals and partners with Him in worship, which must be sincerely devoted to Him alone.
"Yet He still grants them good health and sustenance", i.e. Allah repays their offense with goodness and benevolence. They ascribe to Allah deficiencies and offense, and attributes that He is far Exalted above, as well as belie His messengers, disobey His orders, and do the things that He has prohibited them from. Nevertheless, Allah treats them with kindness as He gives them good health, cures them of their illnesses, protects them night and day from things that could harm them, and provides for them by subjugating everything in the heavens and earth to them. This is the utmost limit of patience, forbearance and benevolence and Allah knows best.