O Jibrīl, go to Muhammad and say: Verily, We will please you with regard to your Ummah and will not displease you

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‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Ās (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) recited the words of Allah, the Exalted, about Prophet Ibrahīm (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) who said: {My Lord, indeed they have led astray many among the people. So whoever follows me - then he is of me} [Sūrat Ibrahīm :36], and those of Jesus (peace be upon him) who said: {If You punish them, they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them, verily, You, only You, are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise} [Sūrat al-Mā'idah: 118]. Then, he (Prophet Muhammad) raised up his hands and said: "O Allah, my Ummah, my Ummah" and wept; Allah, the Exalted, said: "O Jibrīl, go to Muhammad and ask him: 'What makes you weep?'" So angel Jibrīl went to him and asked him (what made him weeping) and the Messenger of Allah informed him what he had said (though Allah knew it well). Upon this Allah said: "O Jibrīl, go to Muhammad and say: 'Verily, We will please you with regard to your Ummah and will not displease you.'"
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Muslim


The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) recited the statement of Ibrahīm (peace be upon him) about the idols: {My Lord, indeed they (the idols) have led astray many among the people. So whoever follows me - then he is of me.} [Sūrat Ibrahīm: 36] and Jesus' statement: {If You punish them, then indeed they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, then indeed You are the All-Wise and All-Mighty} [Sūrat al-Mā'idah: 118]. Then the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) raised his hands up and said: "O my Lord, my Ummah, my Ummah," meaning: have mercy upon them and pardon them. Then Allah, Glorified and Exalted, said to angel Jibrīl: "Go to Muhammad and ask him why he is crying?" although He already knew why he was crying. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) told Jibrīl that he was concerned about his Ummah, and surely Allah knows what he said. Then Allah said to Jibrīl: "Go to Muhammad and tell him: 'We will please you concerning your Ummah, and Will not sadden you.’" Allah, the Almighty, has really pleased and satisfied the Prophet with regard to his Ummah in many ways, such as: multiplying the rewards of the Muslim Ummah; they are the last Ummah but they will be the foremost on the Day of Resurrection; and they have been favored with many bounties over the rest of the nations.


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