You will eagerly seek out a position of authority, but it will be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment. How excellent is the wet nurse, and how evil is the weaning one

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Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "You will eagerly seek out a position of authority, but it will be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment. How excellent is the wet nurse, and how evil is the weaning one."
Authentic hadith - Narrated by Bukhari


This Hadīth highlights the significance of the positions of authority, including the judiciary, and their numerous responsibilities and consequences in the Hereafter. We are warned against pursuing leadership and being eager for it, and this applies to those who seek to assume a position of authority, even though they are not qualified enough. By contrast, if a position of authority is assigned to a qualified person without him seeking it and he undertakes it in a proper and just manner, he will be helped in doing his job, as indicated in other Hadīths. Leadership is likened to a wet nurse, given the financial benefits, good standing, and influence it brings about. It is also likened to a weaning one because of its resultant liabilities and sorrows on the Day of Judgment.


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